GNAP has a force of 53 rangers. Many of them come from the Zambézia region and in particular from the communities around the buffer zone. In 2020, the selection and the training of 33 new rangers has been achieved. Since January 2020, the GNAP Law Enforcement Department is led by the ANAC Officer José Zavale, who has a long experience in other national and international parks and protected areas. 

We believe that to support environmental education it is important that GNP Rangers feel a strong sense of belonging to the area they protect. 

The Rangers who belong to the areas around the GNAP are an example for the surrounding communities especially for the new generations. 

Thanks to the Rangers and to the training activities carried out by the Community Development Department, an attempt is made to bring communities closer to conservation issues.

In order to ensure a high level of professionalism, efficiency and competences, the GNAP regularly provides refresher training to Law Enforcement staff every 2-3 years.

The main issues related to the conservation of the park are poaching, illegal logging, illegal mining and Human / Wildlife conflict around the protected area and its Buffer Zone. The park is also mitigating agriculture encroachment threats within the park.

To ensure effective success of operations, Law Enforcement Department closely collaborates with local authorities, police departments, prosecutors and courts at the district level as well as ensure good cooperation with the government and government agencies such as AQUA Agência Nacional para Avaliação da Qualidade Ambiental (National Agency for Environmental Quality Assessment).

Monitoring Aerial Surveillance

To support Law Enforcement and Wildlife Monitoring activities, GNAP succeeded in assuringthe necessary funds to carry out 7 hours of helicopter aerial surveillance per month starting on March 2020.

The aerial monitoring is also used to monitor our collared mammals (such the elephants), to assess the viability of roads and tracks and to evaluate and estimate agricultural encroachment.